Our Camps

What we do

Kids on Track runs fun, non-residential camps during half terms and holidays. We realise that for many children the holidays are so tough they would rather be at school. We provide an opportunity to learn new skills, have fun and perhaps explore new interests.  You never know … we might just discover the next Jamie Oliver or even Adele!

These are just some of the activities children on our camps can get involved in:

  • Cooking
  • Sports including football, touch rugby, badminton, cricket, hockey
  • Den Building
  • Tug of War
  • Art and Crafts
  • Fortress Farleigh
  • Music and Drama
  • Dance
  • Martial Arts
  • Circus Skills

Camp Location

Kids on Track camps are held in the magnificent grounds of local independent school, Farleigh. The children have access to 70 acres of landscaped woodland and parkland. In addition we are able to use all the fantastic facilities such as the sports hall, theatre, astroturf, tennis courts and pitches. This freedom and space enable the children to grow in confidence and discover their individual talents.


Typical Day

The children are picked up from their local school by minibus at about 10.00am. Once at Farleigh, the children meet up with their team and start their fun-filled day. All campers bring their own packed lunch. Each camp is different and we like to offer a new skill set. At about 4pm the minibuses take the children back to their local area.

What to bring

All children attending the camps should wear sports wear or casual clothes that they don’t mind getting muddy as we will be playing outside and in the woods.
Children attending the camps should bring:

  • A packed lunch and water
  • A spare set of clothes if it looks like it is wet weather
  • A waterproof coat

We would ask children not to bring mobile phones and other valuables.

Future Camps – 2024

  • Easter Camp – Wednesday 3rd, Thursday 4th, Friday 5th April
  • Summer Camp – Wednesday 21st, Thursday 22nd, Friday 23rd August
  • Autumn Camp – Monday 28th, Tuesday 29th October
  • Christmas Carol Concert – Thursday 19th December
  • Christmas Camp – Saturday 21st December

Interested in volunteering to help out? Just fill out the form on the Support us page and we will get back to you in due course.


At Kids on Track we take safeguarding very seriously. All our staff are DBS checked and are briefed about our safeguarding policies. Please click here for further information.

View our Child Protection Policy (2021-22)

View our Camp Policy 



  • Thank you for making my son smile again

    Persons Name
  • "The children haven’t stopped talking about all the fun they have had since they came home"

    Persons Name
  • "What did you enjoy most?’ ‘Football, cooking, pumpkin carving….I can’t decide… everything"

    Persons Name